the journey to a healthier you
starts right here
our packages
eight sessions
commit to yourself with eight sessions to get your health in order. get the best deal by booking more at once.
four sessions
a great starter pack to start seeing some of the results you want in your life. our most popular package.
two sessions
dip your toe in the world of holistic wellness.
work with us
ready to take the first step towards your health transformation? book a free consultation with us to see if we’re the right fit.
about us
hey! we’re colin and kiana egan - a husband and wife on a committed path to overall health and wellness. we met as athletes in college and we’ve been navigating life together, through homes, babies, animals, health and fitness, ever since.
we are former engineers-turned-level 2 chek practitioners (IMS2 / HLC2) living in north county, san diego with our kids, dogs, chickens, and bunny.
contact us
have questions? want to work with us? fill out this form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.